Apprentice Summoner

Being an apprentice Summoner allows you to unlock basic skills to control monsters.

Obtainable from Solf in Capital City Saterica

- Must be Hunter
- Must be Lv120
- Must have Arrow Rain 2
- Must have Venom Attack 3
- Must have Impetus 1

Arrow Rain

A bow-only attack that deals damage based on number of hits and attack range.

Baby Wolf

Secret skill to summon Baby Wolf. Requires MP to preserve the summon.

Command Area

Enhance the effects of commanding. Reduce MP cost for commanding and keeping summons.

Command: Attack

Direction Command: Select target to attack. Select summon's target to attack.


Secret skill to heal a summon. Recovers summon's HP.


Secret skill to summon Farfy. Requires MP to preserve the summon.

Knight Colon

Secret skill to summon Knight Colon. Requires MP to preserve the summon.

Protection (Summoner)

Reduces the amount of damage sustained by physical attack.


Gain surviving skills. Raises natural HP&MP recovery.


A skill to send back all the summons.

Venom Attack

Make an enemy poisoned by attack. The success rate differs depending on enemies. Activated by melee.